Concurrent Session
Revolutionize your Employee Benefits Strategy: Unleash the Power of Personalized Benefits for the Modern Workforce
S402, South Building - Level 4 (MPCC)
Competencies: Communication
| Intended Audience: Early Career, Mid-Level, Senior-Level, Executive-level
Focus Areas:
Thought leadership educational session regarding the evolving benefits landscape, in this session, you will hear from the carrier, benefits administrator, and early adopting employer, and learn how all the parts of the benefits ecosystem are working to solve the complexity of the future of diverse employee benefits.
- 3-5 Learning Objectives starting with “Attendees will walk away with:”
- Attendees will walk away with an understanding of how to drive evolution in their benefits program while improving their budget.
- Attendees will walk away with innovative ideas around the future of benefits for diverse and geographically dispersed teams.
- Attendees will walk away with compliance knowledge regarding ACA and ICHRA.
- Any Additional Info: Taking a four-pronged approach to the education of the revolution of benefits, hearing from the technology founder solving the problems, a transformative HR leader diving in with both feet, a provider of care, and a carrier (payor) innovator in the benefits experience.