Welcome Mike Walsh, Founder and CEO of Tomorrow to the Talent 2025 Main Stage!

It’s Even Better Together

Bring your team to SHRM Talent 2025 to grow, learn, and maximize organizational impact.

Talent 2025 has the cutting-edge insights your organization needs to retain your top talent and attract the best candidates from among a dynamic talent pool:

  • Revolutionize your approach to talent management.
  • Cultivate meaningful connections for your company at curated networking opportunities.
  • Demo innovative new tools and resources for your organization designed by top industry solutions experts.

Whether you’re joining us live in Nashville or virtually, take advantage of special group pricing for your team of five or more.

Why Attend Talent 2025 as a team?

Sessions for all Levels

Discover tailored content that addresses all the issues your team is most likely to face in their current roles, no matter their experience level.

Actionable Learning

Explore solutions you can put to work immediately, from practical recruiting and effective onboarding to engagement during the full employee life cycle.

Extended Learning

Register for preconference offerings for two additional days of hands-on education and in-depth discussion on relevant workplace issues and must-know trends.

Meaningful Connections

Establish powerful professional relationships with peers and industry thought leaders that extend well past the end of the conference.

Boost Your Bottom Line

Amplify your business goals with cutting-edge solutions through demos and discussions with leading industry service providers.

Data-Driven Strategies

Uncover the future of talent management with data on the top trends in recruiting, presented by experts and industry practitioners.

Divide and Conquer

Identify the topics most important to your company, assign sessions to different team members, and come together to share learnings and update your strategies.

Secure spots for your team of 5+

Develop data-driven strategies as a team to boost your company’s bottom line while attracting and elevating the people who power it.

Corporate Delegation FAQs

Each group must consist of five or more registrants from the same company. All members of your group must either be existing SHRM members or purchase membership at the time of registration to receive the member rate. If any members of your group do not wish to purchase SHRM membership at this time, your group will be billed at the nonmember rate.

Tiered pricing is as follows:

  • 5-9 = 10%
  • 10-19 = 15%
  • 20-39 = 20%
  • 40+ = 25%

Complete the online interest form.

Submit payment for 5+ registrations using a credit card, check, or wire transfer.

SHRM will take care of the rest.

Contact delegations@shrm.org and SHRM will connect you with an existing group from your company.

In addition to the benefits detailed above, registration fees include:

  • Access to all general sessions.
  • Complimentary lunches.
  • Full-team admissions to the Expo.
  • Educational concurrent sessions.
  • Online access to conference presentations.

Your group can also take advantage of our preconference and guest programs; additional fees apply.

Yes. Registrations are transferrable if a team member leaves the organization. You may request a replacement by providing registration details for the new registrant as well as identifying who they are replacing. Submit transfer requests via the Cancellation Form and send an email to delegations@shrm.org.

When Your CEO Turns to You... Turn to SHRM

Develop data-driven strategies as a team to boost your company’s bottom line while attracting and elevating the people who power it.

Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?

SHRM offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities, providing a level to meet every budget! Aligning a sponsorship with your brand forges awareness of your business and offers additional exposure to over 2,500+ HR professionals and decision-makers who participate at Talent 2025.

Tell Me More

Request additional information on SHRM Talent 2025, and get information on individual or group registrations, or becoming a sponsor, speaker or exhibitor.

Learn More