Welcome Mike Walsh, Founder and CEO of Tomorrow to the Talent 2025 Main Stage!


Wellness Session
SOUL/Life Balance: The Mental Health Myth of Work/Life Balance
In-Person Tuesday 03/25/2025 03:30 PM - 04:00 PM   Add to calendar
Intended Audience: Intermediate

Work/Life Balance is an illusion and it keeps us out of the present moment. We speak of work/life balance as if it’s something that we don’t have, something we need and view it as an “end destination”. All of this keeps us in a place of lack which is a massive detriment to our mental health. 

Furthermore both work and life require the energy required of our outer world which is how we perceive the world with our five senses. Our inner world is our emotional and mental state and is neglected within this model. 

The practice of SOUL/Life Balance is a prioritization of your mental health (inner world) while simultaneously reframing work as part of life. In this keynote, you’ll learn how to regulate your nervous system and process emotions in real time so that you can show up with confidence, energy and a positive outlook. 

Sam  Kabert Photo
Sam Kabert, Author of Bestselling Book & Founder,